Processed: bookworm-pu: package python-pycdlib/1.12.0+ds1-4+deb12u1
(too old to reply)
Debian Bug Tracking System
2024-12-31 12:00:01 UTC
affects -1 + src:python-pycdlib
Bug #1091787 [release.debian.org] bookworm-pu: package python-pycdlib/1.12.0+ds1-4+deb12u1
Added indication that 1091787 affects src:python-pycdlib
1091787: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1091787
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact ***@bugs.debian.org with problems
Jonathan Wiltshire
2025-01-11 13:50:01 UTC
Control: tag -1 confirmed

Please go ahead.

Jonathan Wiltshire ***@debian.org
Debian Developer http://people.debian.org/~jmw

4096R: 0xD3524C51 / 0A55 B7C5 1223 3942 86EC 74C3 5394 479D D352 4C51
ed25519/0x196418AAEB74C8A1: CA619D65A72A7BADFC96D280196418AAEB74C8A1
Debian Bug Tracking System
2025-01-11 13:50:01 UTC
Post by Jonathan Wiltshire
tag -1 confirmed
Bug #1091787 [release.debian.org] bookworm-pu: package python-pycdlib/1.12.0+ds1-4+deb12u1
Added tag(s) confirmed.
1091787: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1091787
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact ***@bugs.debian.org with problems
Santiago Vila
2025-01-11 15:10:01 UTC
Hello Thomas.

We have the ok from Release Managers for this update.
I'm not uploading yet. This is currently a NMU, but I would much prefer
it not to be. If Thomas wants to remove the non-maintainer line from
the changelog and become the real uploader, he's more than welcome
to do so, and I would prefer it that way.
I still prefer that the upload has your name, but if you really
don't care, I would do the upload as a NMU.

Please tell me how I should proceed (this would be for Debian 12.10,
so there is no hurry, but I'd like to see this issue finally solved).

Jonathan Wiltshire
2025-01-28 17:40:01 UTC
package release.debian.org
tags 1091787 = bookworm pending


The upload referenced by this bug report has been flagged for acceptance into the proposed-updates queue for Debian bookworm.

Thanks for your contribution!

Upload details

Package: python-pycdlib
Version: 1.12.0+ds1-4+deb12u1

Explanation: run tests only if /tmp is tmpfs, otherwise they are known to fail
Debian Bug Tracking System
2025-01-28 17:40:01 UTC
Post by Jonathan Wiltshire
package release.debian.org
Limiting to bugs with field 'package' containing at least one of 'release.debian.org'
Limit currently set to 'package':'release.debian.org'
Post by Jonathan Wiltshire
tags 1091787 = bookworm pending
Bug #1091787 [release.debian.org] bookworm-pu: package python-pycdlib/1.12.0+ds1-4+deb12u1
Added tag(s) pending; removed tag(s) confirmed.
Post by Jonathan Wiltshire
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
1091787: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1091787
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact ***@bugs.debian.org with problems