Santiago Ruano Rincón
2024-12-06 12:00:01 UTC
Severity: normal
Tags: bookworm
User: ***
Usertags: pu
X-Debbugs-Cc: ***, Thomas Braun <***>, Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <***>
Control: affects -1 + src:tango
Dear Release Team,
Please consider this tango update for bookworm. It mainly fixes, which breaks using the tango DB, due to
incompatibilities with MariaDB 10.11, the version packaged in bookworm.
This has been broken since the bookworm release.
As a minor side change, it changes the Salsa CI configuration to run the
pipeline on the correct release: bookworm instead of experimental.
[ Impact ]
As #1062979 describes, tango features, functions or tools (such as
tango-starter or tango-admin) relying on the mariadb database will
continue to be unable to start or use the database.
[ Tests ]
I reproduced the issue and verified the fix just installing tango-db,
tango-accesscontrol and tango-starter along with mariadb-server in
bookworm. I have also tried using tango_admin to add a device property
in the database. The proposed changes include an autopkgtest that helps to
confirm the issue is fixed.
Without the fix:
With the fix:
[ Risks ]
Any non-identified risk of regression may be outweighed by being able to
start tango-starter and/or using the tango database.
[ Checklist ]
[x] *all* changes are documented in the d/changelog
[x] I reviewed all changes and I approve them
[x] attach debdiff against the package in (old)stable
[x] the issue is verified as fixed in unstable
A preliminary fix was included in unstable with 9.4.2+dfsg1-1:
and the complete upstream patch in experimental with 10.0.0+dfsg1-1~exp2
(now in unstable, since 10.0.0+dfsg1-1):
[ Changes ]
The proposed update is made of the following changes:
* debian/patches/0001-Fix-timestamp-columns-in-Mariadb-10.11-and-newer.patch
As tagged in the patch, this is based on the upstream fix (merged) to
address the issue. It is a backport of,
removing the parts that cannot be applied in tango 9.3.4. The git commit
message is self-explaining:
Subject: [PATCH] Fix timestamp columns in Mariadb 10.11 and newer
This problem appears in MariaDb 10.11 since default value of
explicit_defaults_for_timestamp changed from OFF to ON, setting it to
OFF (set global explicit_defaults_for_timestamp=OFF;) make the work properly.
* debian/dbconfig-common/data/tango-db/upgrade/mysql/9.3.4
Applies similar changes in the existing tango database than those from
the patch above, at upgrade time.
* debian/tests/starter-basic
autopkgtest that helps to verify that tango-starter can effectively
start. tango-starter needs to register the Starter device in the tango
database, which is done in bookworm by the tango-starter's init.d,
using tango_admin:
# register the tango-starter if necessary
tango_admin --check-device tango/admin/`hostname` || tango_admin --add-server Starter/`hostname` Starter tango/admin/`hostname` || return 2
Moreover, the autopkgtest also verifies it the database can be used,
adding a device property:
# test
tango_admin --add-property sys/tg_test/1 key value
as suggested by Thomas in
* debian/gitlab-ci.yml
This changes the configured RELEASE from experimental to bookworm.
I (also) relied on Salsa CI for testing the update, and without this
change, for any future proposal, the Salsa CI user would need to
manually override the RELEASE variable, as I had to do.
[ Other info ]
Thank in advance,
-- Santiago
Severity: normal
Tags: bookworm
User: ***
Usertags: pu
X-Debbugs-Cc: ***, Thomas Braun <***>, Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <***>
Control: affects -1 + src:tango
Dear Release Team,
Please consider this tango update for bookworm. It mainly fixes, which breaks using the tango DB, due to
incompatibilities with MariaDB 10.11, the version packaged in bookworm.
This has been broken since the bookworm release.
As a minor side change, it changes the Salsa CI configuration to run the
pipeline on the correct release: bookworm instead of experimental.
[ Impact ]
As #1062979 describes, tango features, functions or tools (such as
tango-starter or tango-admin) relying on the mariadb database will
continue to be unable to start or use the database.
[ Tests ]
I reproduced the issue and verified the fix just installing tango-db,
tango-accesscontrol and tango-starter along with mariadb-server in
bookworm. I have also tried using tango_admin to add a device property
in the database. The proposed changes include an autopkgtest that helps to
confirm the issue is fixed.
Without the fix:
With the fix:
[ Risks ]
Any non-identified risk of regression may be outweighed by being able to
start tango-starter and/or using the tango database.
[ Checklist ]
[x] *all* changes are documented in the d/changelog
[x] I reviewed all changes and I approve them
[x] attach debdiff against the package in (old)stable
[x] the issue is verified as fixed in unstable
A preliminary fix was included in unstable with 9.4.2+dfsg1-1:
and the complete upstream patch in experimental with 10.0.0+dfsg1-1~exp2
(now in unstable, since 10.0.0+dfsg1-1):
[ Changes ]
The proposed update is made of the following changes:
* debian/patches/0001-Fix-timestamp-columns-in-Mariadb-10.11-and-newer.patch
As tagged in the patch, this is based on the upstream fix (merged) to
address the issue. It is a backport of,
removing the parts that cannot be applied in tango 9.3.4. The git commit
message is self-explaining:
Subject: [PATCH] Fix timestamp columns in Mariadb 10.11 and newer
This problem appears in MariaDb 10.11 since default value of
explicit_defaults_for_timestamp changed from OFF to ON, setting it to
OFF (set global explicit_defaults_for_timestamp=OFF;) make the work properly.
* debian/dbconfig-common/data/tango-db/upgrade/mysql/9.3.4
Applies similar changes in the existing tango database than those from
the patch above, at upgrade time.
* debian/tests/starter-basic
autopkgtest that helps to verify that tango-starter can effectively
start. tango-starter needs to register the Starter device in the tango
database, which is done in bookworm by the tango-starter's init.d,
using tango_admin:
# register the tango-starter if necessary
tango_admin --check-device tango/admin/`hostname` || tango_admin --add-server Starter/`hostname` Starter tango/admin/`hostname` || return 2
Moreover, the autopkgtest also verifies it the database can be used,
adding a device property:
# test
tango_admin --add-property sys/tg_test/1 key value
as suggested by Thomas in
* debian/gitlab-ci.yml
This changes the configured RELEASE from experimental to bookworm.
I (also) relied on Salsa CI for testing the update, and without this
change, for any future proposal, the Salsa CI user would need to
manually override the RELEASE variable, as I had to do.
[ Other info ]
Thank in advance,
-- Santiago