Processed: bookworm-pu: package prometheus-node-exporter-collectors/0.0~git20230203.6f710f8-1+deb12u3
(too old to reply)
Debian Bug Tracking System
2024-11-07 01:30:01 UTC
affects -1 + src:prometheus-node-exporter-collectors
Bug #1086879 [release.debian.org] bookworm-pu: package prometheus-node-exporter-collectors/0.0~git20230203.6f710f8-1+deb12u3
Added indication that 1086879 affects src:prometheus-node-exporter-collectors
1086879: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1086879
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact ***@bugs.debian.org with problems
Debian Bug Tracking System
2024-11-15 16:20:01 UTC
tag -1 moreinfo
Bug #1086879 [release.debian.org] bookworm-pu: package prometheus-node-exporter-collectors/0.0~git20230203.6f710f8-1+deb12u3
Added tag(s) moreinfo.
1086879: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1086879
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact ***@bugs.debian.org with problems
Jonathan Wiltshire
2024-11-15 16:20:01 UTC
Control: tag -1 moreinfo


I'm fine with these changes, but what you've uploaded doesn't match the
proposal because 0.0~git20230203.6f710f8-1+deb12u2 has never been in the
archive. Do you want to upload it as well and I'll take both, or shall I
reject +deb12u3 so you can squash them down?

Jonathan Wiltshire ***@debian.org
Debian Developer http://people.debian.org/~jmw

4096R: 0xD3524C51 / 0A55 B7C5 1223 3942 86EC 74C3 5394 479D D352 4C51
ed25519/0x196418AAEB74C8A1: CA619D65A72A7BADFC96D280196418AAEB74C8A1
Reinhard Tartler
2024-11-16 00:20:01 UTC
Post by Jonathan Wiltshire
Control: tag -1 moreinfo
I'm fine with these changes, but what you've uploaded doesn't match the
proposal because 0.0~git20230203.6f710f8-1+deb12u2 has never been in
archive. Do you want to upload it as well and I'll take both, or shall
reject +deb12u3 so you can squash them down?
Please reject. I'll reupload as +deb12u2.

I've also identified another missing improvement at
that I'd like to backport, if that's okay with you

Jonathan Wiltshire
2024-11-16 16:10:01 UTC
Control: tag -1 = bookworm confirmed
Post by Reinhard Tartler
Post by Jonathan Wiltshire
Control: tag -1 moreinfo
I'm fine with these changes, but what you've uploaded doesn't match the
proposal because
0.0~git20230203.6f710f8-1+deb12u2 has never
been in the
archive. Do you want to upload it as well
and I'll take both, or shall I
reject +deb12u3 so you can squash them down?
Please reject. I'll reupload as +deb12u2.
I've also identified another missing improvement
at https://github.com/prometheus-community/node-exporter-textfile-collector-scripts/commit/ab04a51e1a11696da7604be314696ffd87eda80d
that I'd like to backport, if that's okay with
Yes please.

Jonathan Wiltshire ***@debian.org
Debian Developer http://people.debian.org/~jmw

4096R: 0xD3524C51 / 0A55 B7C5 1223 3942 86EC 74C3 5394 479D D352 4C51
ed25519/0x196418AAEB74C8A1: CA619D65A72A7BADFC96D280196418AAEB74C8A1
Debian Bug Tracking System
2024-11-16 16:10:01 UTC
Post by Jonathan Wiltshire
tag -1 = bookworm confirmed
Bug #1086879 [release.debian.org] bookworm-pu: package prometheus-node-exporter-collectors/0.0~git20230203.6f710f8-1+deb12u3
Added tag(s) confirmed; removed tag(s) moreinfo.
1086879: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1086879
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact ***@bugs.debian.org with problems
Jonathan Wiltshire
2024-11-17 11:00:01 UTC
package release.debian.org
tags 1086879 = bookworm pending


The upload referenced by this bug report has been flagged for acceptance into the proposed-updates queue for Debian bookworm.

Thanks for your contribution!

Upload details

Package: prometheus-node-exporter-collectors
Version: 0.0~git20230203.6f710f8-1+deb12u2

Explanation: reinstate missing `apt_package_cache_timestamp_seconds` metrics; fix apt_upgrades_pending and apt_upgrades_held metrics; improve heuristic for apt update last run time
Debian Bug Tracking System
2024-11-17 11:00:01 UTC
Post by Jonathan Wiltshire
package release.debian.org
Limiting to bugs with field 'package' containing at least one of 'release.debian.org'
Limit currently set to 'package':'release.debian.org'
Post by Jonathan Wiltshire
tags 1086879 = bookworm pending
Bug #1086879 [release.debian.org] bookworm-pu: package prometheus-node-exporter-collectors/0.0~git20230203.6f710f8-1+deb12u3
Added tag(s) pending; removed tag(s) confirmed.
Post by Jonathan Wiltshire
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
1086879: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1086879
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact ***@bugs.debian.org with problems
Debian Bug Tracking System
2025-01-11 11:10:01 UTC
Your message dated Sat, 11 Jan 2025 11:03:09 +0000
with message-id <E1tWZGn-009jaL-***@coccia.debian.org>
and subject line Close 1086879
has caused the Debian Bug report #1086879,
regarding bookworm-pu: package prometheus-node-exporter-collectors/0.0~git20230203.6f710f8-1+deb12u3
to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what this
message is talking about, this may indicate a serious mail system
misconfiguration somewhere. Please contact ***@bugs.debian.org
1086879: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1086879
Debian Bug Tracking System
Contact ***@bugs.debian.org with problems